Friday 21 February 2014

Use XSLT to hide columns in SharePoint list forms

In this post i will explain how XSLT can be used to hide the list columns in forms for users with insufficient previleges.

After you open your site and the list in SharePoint designer, create custom forms for New, Edit and Display forms.

Open each of the forms and select the column which should be shown based on user permissions.

Expand the Conditional Formatting option on the ribbon and select Show Content.
In the next screen click on Advanced.
In the pop up that appears after that, search for the function called IfHasRights
This function will determine whether the current user has the rights specified and will do the formatting accordingly, based on the result.

The permission mask specified is determined as the sum of the permission masks for the permissions required. Below mentioned are the permission masks for the permissions.

ViewListItems - 1
AddListItems - 2
EditListItems - 4
DeleteListItems - 8
ApproveItems - 16 
OpenItems - 32 
ViewVersions - 64 
DeleteVersions - 128 
CancelCheckout - 256 
PersonalViews - 512 
ManageLists - 2048 
ViewFormPages - 4096 
Open - 65536 
ViewPages - 131072 
AddAndCustomizePages - 262144 
ApplyThemeAndBorder - 524288 
ApplyStyleSheets - 1048576 
ViewUsageData - 2097152 
CreateSSCSite - 4194314 
ManageSubwebs - 8388608 
CreateGroups - 16777216 
ManagePermissions - 33554432 
BrowseDirectories - 67108864 
BrowseUserInfo - 134217728 
AddDelPrivateWebParts - 268435456 
UpdatePersonalWebParts - 536870912
ManageWeb - 1073741824 
UseRemoteAPIs - 137438953472 
ManageAlerts - 274877906944 
CreateAlerts - 549755813888 
EditMyUserInfo - 1099511627776 
EnumeratePermissions - 4611686018427387904 

Give appropriate mask as shown in the screenshot above and save the form.
The next time the users open the form, they will see the column only if they have enough permissions.
Ofcourse you have to do the same to the label(Deparment) beside the text box you selected previously 

This is how the form will appear for users who do not have enough previleges.

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